The Questioner

Hi. My name is Laura and I write young adult and middle grade fiction.

One Question A Day came to me as a result of Winnemucca, my debut novel which just released on Winnemucca is a small town fairy tale about a teenage girl’s enchanted road trip to her true self no matter who or what tries to stop her.

Winnemucca, a small-town fairy tale

NEW RELEASE Winnemucca, a small-town fairy tale

Sometimes the bravest thing a person can do is ask a question. Sometimes the bravest thing a person can do is answer.

One Question A Day is a great way to dig a little deeper with your characters or prompt you to write a little something when the muse might be napping, cleaning her wings, on vaca or otherwise occupied. I hope you have fun regardless of whether you take the time to write down your answers. Sometimes it’s just fun to think about things. Let your story jell.

On Sundays there will be no question. Instead, I’m inviting you to post your flash fiction in answer to one of the questions from the week before. I’ll post my flash fiction answers to one of the questions from the previous week too.

Happy Writing!!/Laurawriting


  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

    • Well hello there *waves* Nice to meet you too:D

  2. Hello, grand inquisitor. How ’bout a question on the nature of love? You seem to enjoy a good semantic scuffle. I struggle daily with the nature of love and whether or not it is something that can be defined. Perhaps such a theme could work its way into one of your daily queries.

    • Sure, I think we could work something out. Stay tuned.

  3. Great post thanks!

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